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Haringey Networks

The Importance of Grassroots Community Networks in Haringey

There are a number of self-organised and independent borough-wide networks of residents groups. They are run by and for local people, and largely unfunded. These networks are important for many reasons:

Here are just some examples - there are probably many more...

Networks Summary
Haringey Community Centres Network 30+ community-run Community Centres. Have been recently negotiating with the Council over leases, rents, repairs, recognition of services provided etc.
Haringey Community Food Network A network of food growers, suppliers, emergency food providers, food banks, community kitchens, food delivery services, homeless outreach projects and food support organisations across Haringey.
Haringey Federation of Residents Associations A loose and occasional network of up to 100 local Residents Associations (active since 2001).
Sustainable Haringey A loose information/communications network of green groups and individuals (active since 2007)
Haringey Allotment Forum Umbrella for local allotment site societies.
Haringey Community Action Network 26 community groups and trades union branches, campaigning to spread community and workplace solidarity and to oppose 'austerity' policies (active since 2023).
Friends of Reading and Education in Haringey Umbrella organisation for local Friends Groups in a number of libraries.
Haringey Friends of Parks Forum 65 local greenspace Friends Groups. Meet bi-monthly with Parks Service officers (since 2001).